Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl


IHF is a non-profit association of practitioners and volunteers established in Brussels in 2003 with the mission of increasing awareness of the European Union and function as a platform for exchange among practitioners from civil society, academia, public sector and industry on the many facets of European integration.


We focus on a wide array of areas and topics, linked to EU integration and socio economic development, ranging from youth-work, social empowerment and female entrepreneurship to education and social innovation. In all those domains, IHF asbl carries out public policy research and analysis, produces memos and reports on specific policy topics of relevance for its network.


Out team of experts holds seminars and provides training on the various aspects of EU opportunities for transnational collaboration to representatives of three key groups of stakeholders: Civil Society, in particular the Third Sector and NGOs, especially at grass-roots level; Public Sector, with emphasis on local and regional authorities, Business Community: especially microenterprises and SMEs


IHF asbl is a platform to disseminate European cultural and democratic values and enhance integration within and outside the Union by promoting exchange of knowledge as well as networking opportunities.


Since 2003, the IHF has trained more than 5,500 students in face-to-face courses. IHF organises study tours to Brussels for groups of young graduates, representatives of local authorities, NGOs and Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels.



In addition to carrying out research and analysis in various areas of European relevance, IHF organises seminars and conferences as well as more technical training courses on social inclusion and equal opportunities for all, active citizenship and valorisation of gender balance opportunities, youth empowerment and employability. specifically for women and NEETs. 

IHF asbl also provides tailored training solutions to specific target groups such as young professionals, as well as young unemployed and other groups at risk of socio-economic exclusion.

Our involvement in the GTUP! project will allow the partnership to strategize better dissemination and visibility campaigns at European and International level, enhancing the multiplier effect of the project, while fostering new replicability and transferability opportunities of the results and concrete deliverables stemming from this initiative. 

Moreover, this project represents for IHF a great opportunity to give continuity to an on-going stream of initiatives that symbolize the organizations’s robust commitment to its internal CSR agenda: fostering and promoting at large scale new education, training and self-improvement opportunities for young women.